How to Get Out of a Roping Slump
Being in a roping slump is difficult, but it’s no different than struggling with any other sport. All athletes have highs and lows. After all, it’s not realistic to think you’ll be at the top of your game for every run.
First, you have to realize going through a roping slump doesn’t mean you’re bad at your sport — it means you’re human. It also is an opportunity for you to get back to basics and focus on what made you love roping in the first place.
Use the guidelines below to help you rebound from a roping slump.
Make Fundamentals a Priority
Fundamentals are the most important skill any athlete can master in any sport, but this is especially true when it comes to roping. From positioning to swing to timing and delivery, you need to repetitively drill just like you did when you were first learning to rope.
Have a friend watch your practice session and point out your shortcomings, or video yourself and analyze the recording later. This can help you identify weaknesses in your horsemanship or your roping mechanics.
Work on Your Mental Game
Next, practice approaching roping with confidence. One secret to becoming a pro is not letting either the bad days or the good days affect you too strongly.
Work on building a strong mindset, with plenty of patience for yourself, your horse and your teammate mixed in. Remember, how you get your confidence back and maintain it could be the deciding factor in your success.
Practice with a Purpose
Working on your fundamentals and sharpening your mental approach are both great tactics, but why not give yourself even more motivation to defeat your roping slump? Set an official goal: write it down and share it with your team. Then set a deadline. You’ll be more focused when you know there is a larger purpose on the line.
Accentuate the Positive
When you’re in a roping slump, it’s important not to dwell on the negative. Instead, remember all your wins. Focus on the achievements that have made you a better roper. If bad times come up, think about what you learned from them. Turn the negative into a positive, and you will be well on your way out of your roping slump.
You can trust Frontier Trailers & Roping Supply for affordable, high-quality roping supplies. We’re your local roping equipment experts, and we are here to help you out of your roping slump. Visit our Spanish Fork store or order online today!