Silver Lining Herbal Wormer

Silver Lining Herbal Wormer

Regular price $73.97

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only 2 left in stock

The herbs used in this combination are for the maintenance of a healthy and naturally worm- and parasite-free system. This combination works by simply maintaining an environment which is not welcoming to parasites and worms; they are opportunistic and need an unclean environment to thrive.

This product may be beneficial in:

Parasites in manure
Rough hair coat
Persistent tail rubbing


The herbs used in this combination are for the maintenance of a healthy and naturally worm- and parasite-free system. This combination works by simply maintaining an environment which is not welcoming to parasites and worms; they are opportunistic and need an unclean environment to thrive.

This product may be beneficial in:

Parasites in manure
Rough hair coat
Persistent tail rubbing

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