Silver Lining #27 Liver Support

Silver Lining #27 Liver Support

Regular price $81.97

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The liver’s natural function is to filter toxins to begin the process of flushing them from the body. And what a job it has in today’s world, with the massive amounts of chemicals that surround our horses. From chemical wormers, to the herbicides and insecticides used in the growing of horse feed and forage, to vaccinations and fly spray, we ask a lot of our horses livers. This makes #27 Liver Support for Horses is very important, to aid the liver in functioning at its optimal capacity. This product may be beneficial in:

  • Assisting the body in combating environmental pollutants
  • Horses who refuse tight turns or particularly dislikes right turns
  • Helping maintain normal histamine levels
  • Support for those horses with seasonal allergies/itchy skin
  • Helping support eye health
  • Supporting normal detoxification processes

Active Ingredients: A proprietary blend of (Milk Thistle, Rose Hips, Barberry, Burdock, Chamomile, Eleuthero, Oregon Grape, Parsley, Dandelion, Cascara, Licorice and Yellow Dock) 7370 mg per tbsp. Scoop included.
Inactive Ingredients: NONE
Recommended use: 1 level scoop per day for 1000-1200 lb horse. There are approximately 60 scoops per bag.

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